This callback is invoked any time a chat is registered to the Ultimate Chat Box.
The information about the chat that was registered.
usingUnityEngine;usingTankAndHealerStudioAssets;publicclassChatBoxExample:MonoBehaviour{ // BE SURE TO ASSIGN THIS IN THE INSPECTOR //publicUltimateChatBox chatBox;voidStart () {chatBox.OnChatRegistered+= ( chatInfo ) => { print( $"Chat was registered from user: {chatInfo.Username} with this content: {chatInfo.Message}" ); }; // OR //chatBox.OnChatRegistered+= OnChatRegistered; }voidOnChatRegistered ( UltimateChatBox.ChatInformation chatInfo ) { print( $"This also works! Chat registered from user: {chatInfo.Username} with content: {chatInfo.Message}" ); }}