Returns all the chats that have been registered with the targeted username.
usingUnityEngine;usingTankAndHealerStudioAssets;publicclassChatBoxExample:MonoBehaviour{ // BE SURE TO ASSIGN THESE IN THE INSPECTOR //publicUltimateChatBox chatBox;voidStart () { // Subscribe to the OnUsernameInteract callback with the following functionality...chatBox.OnUsernameInteract+= ( chatInfo ) => { // Store an array of all chats that are registered from the interacted username.UltimateChatBox.ChatInformation[] chatsFromUser =chatBox.FindChatsFromUser( chatInfo.InternalUsername ).ToArray(); // Loop through each chat in the array and remove the chats from the chat box.for( int i =0; i <chatsFromUser.Length; i++ )chatsFromUser[ i ].RemoveChat(); }; }}