usingUnityEngine;usingTankAndHealerStudioAssets;publicclassChatBoxExample:MonoBehaviour{ // BE SURE TO ASSIGN THESE IN THE INSPECTOR //publicUltimateChatBox chatBox;publicRectTransform inputImage;voidUpdate () { // If the input image is null, then return to avoid errors.if( inputImage ==null )return; // Modify the input image's position by the horizontal and vertical axis. This example works well with controller input. Although it will work with WASD also.inputImage.anchoredPosition+=newVector2( Input.GetAxis( "Horizontal" ),Input.GetAxis( "Vertical" ) ); // Send the custom input data to the chat box to process.chatBox.SendCustomInput( inputImage.anchoredPosition,Input.GetButtonDown( "Submit" ),Input.GetButton( "Submit" ) ); }}