Public Methods
A list of all the public methods in the UltimateJoystick class.
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A list of all the public methods in the UltimateJoystick class.
Last updated
Important Note: Each of the provided public method examples require a public UltimateJoystick variabled named: joystick.
Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick.
Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick.
Returns a raw value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick.
Returns raw a value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick.
Returns a float value between 0 and 1 representing the distance of the joystick from the base.
Returns if the players input is currently active on this joystick or not.
Returns the current angle that the joystick is from the center in degrees.
Disables the Ultimate Joystick object.
Enables the Ultimate Joystick.
Checks to see if the provided input is within range of the Ultimate Joystick.
Resets the joystick and updates the size and position of the joystick on the screen.
Disables normal interaction to the joystick and allows the user to move the joystick to a new position on the screen.
Re-enables normal interaction to the joystick, saving the position of the joystick to the position override object.
Sets the position values for the override.
Overrides the joystick with a new size.
Resets the stored override values for this Ultimate Joystick.