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Important Note: Each of the provided public method examples require a public UltimateChatBox variabled named: chatBox.
Since the UltimateChatBox class is within the TankAndHealerStudioAssets namespace, you will need to add the using statement at the top of your scripts where you want to reference the chat box.
The current state of this Ultimate Chat Box being enabled or disabled.
The current state of the chat box being interactable. Setting this value to false will not allow input to be processed on the chat box.
The line height of the TextObject to use for chat box navigation and chat spacing.
The list of all the text objects that have been created to display the registered chat information.
The list of all the registered chat informations.
Returns the state of the input being on the chat box or not.
The stored position of the input for calculating on the chat box.
The state of the input being down on this frame for calculations.
The current state of the input being pressed.
Set the current scroll value to apply to the chat box.
The total size that the chat box occupies on the screen. This value includes the input field if that is used.
The base transform of the Ultimate Chat Box.
Returns the RectTransform that is used as the visible mask for the chat box.
Returns the RectTransform that contains the text objects for the chat box.
Returns the TextMeshPro GameObject used as the basis for all the chats in the chat box.
The color of the text in the chat box. Assigning a value here will update all the text in the chat box.
Returns the calculated font size based off the user defined Smart Font Size percentage.
The image component of the username highlight.
The color of the interactable username image. Assigning a value here will update image if there is a username currently being hovered over.
The current state of the player hovering over a username in the chat box.
The index of the ChatInformation that is currently being hovered.
Determines if the text inside the chat box should remain fully visible even when the chat box itself is disabled.
Returns the assigned TextMeshPro sprite asset.
The current state of the scrollbar being visible or not.
The input field component used in connection with the chat box.
The current string value of the input field.
Returns if the current input field value contains a command value or not.
The sprite associated with the extra image.
The extra image color.
Returns the current state of the emoji window being enabled and interactable.
The sprite of the emoji button on the chat box.
The color of the emoji button on the chat box.
Stores all the information about the chat inside the chat box.
Contains all the variables needed for a style that can be applied to a chat.
The UltimateChatBox class is the main component of this Asset.
Registers chat information to the Ultimate Chat Box to be displayed.
Enables the chat box.
Disables the chat box.
Clears the entire chat box of all entries.
Enables the input field so that the player can input text.
Toggles the state of the input field.
Disables the input field so that text cannot be input by the player.
Sends custom input values to the Ultimate Chat Box to process.
Returns all the chats that have been registered with the targeted username.
Returns all the registered chats that are using the provided style.
Updates the position of the chat box on the screen.
Callback for when a chat has been registered to the chat box.
Callback for when a new username has been hovered by the player.
Callback for when the player has interacted with a username.
This event is called when the input field of the chat box has been updated.
This event is called when the input field of the chat box has been submitted.
This event is called when the input field is updated and contains a potential command.
This event is called when the input field is submitted and contains a potential command.
This event is called when the extra image associated with the input field has been interacted with.