Catching Commands

This page describes how to easily catch potential commands from your players.

The Ultimate Chat Box has many different events available. In this tutorial though, we will be taking a look at the OnInputFieldCommandUpdated and OnInputFieldCommandSubmitted events. Each of them have different uses, so let's dive into it!


The OnInputFieldCommandUpdated events is invoked any time the input field is updated with a potential command. This can be useful for providing auto-complete suggestions for your players, like inviting other players or playing emotes.

Here is a simple example:

private void OnInputFieldCommandUpdated(string command)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) return;

    // Assume _suggestions is a List of possible autocompletions

    // Filter suggestions based on the current command input
    foreach (var suggestion in _possibleCommands)
        if (suggestion.StartsWith(command, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

    // Show suggestions to the user

private void UpdateSuggestionsUI(List<string> suggestions)
    // Code to update the UI with the suggestions goes here


The OnInputFieldCommandSubmitted event is triggered when the player submits a command through the input field. It's the perfect place to handle the execution of commands.

Here is an example on how to use this event:

private void OnInputFieldCommandSubmitted(string command)
    // Execute the command if it's recognized
    if (_possibleCommands.Contains(command))
        // Inform the user that the command is not recognized
        ShowErrorMessage("Unrecognized command: " + command);

private void ExecuteCommand(string command)
    // Code to execute the recognized command goes here

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